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How to pronounce "ㅆ" (ssangsiot)? Why "ㅆ" has many different pronunciations?

How to pronounce "ㅆ" (ssang.siot)

In this lesson you will learn how to pronounce "ㅆ" (쌍시옷ssangsiot) with 5 kinds of pronunciation rules. 

What is "" (쌍시옷 ssangsiot) ?

"ㅆ" (쌍시옷ssangsiot) is a double consonant in Korean language.

A double consonant in the Korean language doesn’t actually get pronounced as longer sound.

Getting the level of pitch and emphasis correct on Korean double consonants is some of the hardest parts of Korean pronunciation you’ll learn.

Depending on the placement in the word, the Korean alphabets change their sound.

Let’s go over how to pronounce ㅆ[ssangsiot] with 5 kinds of pronunciation rules correctly.

Learn more (click here) >> Learn Korean with Korean dramas

ㅆ[ssangsiot] rules | ㅆ pronunciation

1. When "" [ssangsiot] is at the beginning of the syllable, it pronounces as [ ss ] sound.

how to pronounce Korean ㅆ

Words of example

싸다 [ssa.da] cheap

새싹 [sae.ssak] sprout

벌써 [beol.sseo] already

썰매 [sseol.mae] sleigh

쓰레기 [] trash

싸우다 [ ssa.u.da] to fight

비싸다 [bi.ssa.da] expensive

쌍둥이 [ssang.dung.i] twins

이쑤시개 [] toothpick

쌀쌀하다 [ssal.ssal.ha.da] chilly

Read more (click here) >> Get to know Korean with different Topics

2. When ""  ( ssangsiot) is in the final consonant position, known as 받침[bat.chim], it pronounces as [ t ] sound.

(If you don’t know what is 받침[bat.chim], please check it from my previous lesson.)

how to pronounce ㅆ as t

경음화 (gyeong.eum.hwa) ▲

You also can see "hardening 경음화(gyeong.eum.hwa)" rule here.

받침(batchim)ㄱ / ㄷ / ㄹ / ㅂ + consonant ㄱ/ ㄷ /ㅂ /ㅅ / ㅈ 

the consonant ㄱ/ ㄷ /ㅂ /ㅅ / ㅈ will pronounce as ㄲ / ㄸ / ㅃ /ㅆ / ㅉ

Words of example

있다[읻따] [it.tta] 

to be / to have

재미있다 [재미읻따] []


맛있다 [마싣따] [ma.sit.tta] 


가방을 쌌다. [가방을 싿따] [ga.bang.eul ssat.tta]

I packed my bag.

학교에 갔다. [학꾜에 갇따] [hak.ggyo.e gat.tta]

I went to school.

낚시를 했다. [낙씨를 핻따] [nak.ssi.reul haet.tta]

I did fishing.


When the "ㄲ" 받침 is at the end of the word or followed by a consonant, it softens.

받침 (bat.chim) "ㄲ" pronounces as [ㄱ] ,받침 [bat.chim] "ㄱ" meets next block consonant "ㅅ" pronounces as [ㅆ].

밥을 먹었다. [바블 머걷따] [ba.beul meo.geot.tta]

I ate my meal.

나 망했다. [나 망핻따] [na mang.haet.tta]

I screwed up.

3. 받침[bat.chim] "ㅆ"  + Vowel

Korean has 10 basic vowels  (아/야/어/여/오/요/우/유/으/이)

난 사랑에 빠졌어! Korean pronunciation

It means when the end of doubt consonant "ㅆ" [ssangsiot]   meets next block "o" , "ㅆ" will move to the next block. 

And the "ㅆ" [ssangsiot] pronounces as [ss].

연음 법칙(yeon.eum beop.chik) ▲

Learn more (click here) >> Korean linking sound  연음 법칙(yeon.eum beop.chik) method 

A linking sound is in a bottom consonant 받침 [bat.chim] from a block, linking with the beginning sound in the next block. ▼

how to pronounce ㅆ as ss

Words of example

난 사랑에 빠졌어! [난 사랑에 빠져써] [nan sa.rang.e ppa.jyeo.sseo]

I am in love!

나 집에 있어.[난  지베 이써] [na i.sseo]

I'm at home.

잘했어요. [자래써오] [ja.rae.sseo.yo]

Good job.

잘생겼어요.[잘생겨써요] [jal saeng.gyeo.sseo.yo]

You are handsome.

거의 다 왔어요. [거의 다 와써요] [geo.ui da wa.sseo.yo]

I'm almost there.

4. 받침[bat.chim] "ㅆ"  + ㄴ

ㅆ pronounces as ㄴ

It means when the end of doubt consonant "ㅆ" [ssangsiot]   meets next block " ㄴ" , 받침"ㅆ"   should change sound as [ㄴ]

Words of example

룸 있나요? [룸 인나요] [rum]

Is there a room?

더 잘생겨졌네.[더 잘생겨젼네]


You've got more handsome.

5. 받침[bat.chim] "ㅆ"   + ㄱ / ㄷ/ ㅅ/ ㅈ

맛있겠다 Korean pronunciation

It means when the end of doubt consonant "ㅆ" [ssangsiot]   meets next blockㄱ / ㄷ/ ㅅ/ ㅈ

받침 "ㅆ"  should change sound as [ㄷ]

Alsoㄱ / ㄷ/ ㅅ/ ㅈ  change the sound to [ ㄲ /ㄸ / ㅆ / ㅉ]

Words of example

맛있겠다! [마싣껟따] [ma.sit.kket.tta]

It looks so delicious!

재밌게 놀아. [재믿께 노라] [ no.ra]

Have fun.

다 됐다. [다 됃따] [da.dwaet.tta]

It's all done.

Practice Quiz

Try if you know correct "ㅆ" pronunciation

1. 보고 싶어요.

2. 늦다.

3. 뭐 하고 어요?

4. 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다.

5. 일 다 끝어요.

6. 다 올게요.

7. 무서다.

8. 여친 어요?

(여친 = 여자 친구)

9. 큰일 네.

10. 나도 남친 있었으면 좋다.

(남친=남자 친구)


10. 나도 남친 있었으면 좋겠다.

[ nam.chin i.sseo.sseu.myeon jo ket.tta]

I wish I had a boyfriend.

9. 큰일 났네.


I'm in trouble.

8. 여친 있어요?

[yeo.chin i.sseo.yo]

Do you have a girlfriend?

7. 무서웠다.


I was scared.

6. 갔다 올게요.

[gat.tta ol.gge.yo]

I'll be back.

5. 일 다 끝냈어요.

[il da kkeun.nae.sseo.yo]

I'm done with all my work.

4. 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다.

[mu.gung.hwa kko.chi]

The roses of Sharon have blossomed.

3. 뭐 하고 있어요?

[mwo ha.go i.sseo.yo]

What are you doing?

2. 늦었다.


I'm late.

1. 보고 싶었어요.

[bo.go si.peo.sseo.yo]

I missed you.

Learn how to read basic 한글 (Hangeul) Korean alphabets pronunciation with Tokki Ssaem on Youtube

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