Are you always confused the Korean pronunciation "ㄹ" [ l / r ] or "ㅅ" [ s / t ]?
Why you should learn "한글" (Hangeul), Korean alphabet?
The Korean alphabets, known as "한글" (Hangeul) , is a writing and phonetic system for the Korean language.
"Romanization" and "IPA" pronunciation systems are the helping sound for foreign learners to remember Korean pronunciation.
The pronunciation from "Romanization" and "IPA" are not 100% match with "한글" (Hangeul).
And this makes learners have hard time during learning Korean pronunciation.
Learn more (click here) >> What is 이에요 / 예요 in Korean grammar?
That's why you can see "ㅅ" [siot] sometimes pronounces as [s] or [t].
Let’s get clear when "ㅅ" [siot] should pronounce as [s] or [t].
When "ㅅ" [siot] comes
at the beginning of the syllable, it will be pronounced as [s].
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I will provide 3 types of combination about the "ㅅ" location.
Words of example
사람 [sa.ram] person
사랑 [sa.rang] love
사진 [sa.jin] picture
사전 [sa.jeon] dictionary
사업 [sa.eob] business
사장 [sa.jang] boss
사인 [] sign
사자 [sa.ja] lion
사과 [sa.gwa] apple
사탕 [sa.tang] candy
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Words of example
버스 [beo.seu] bus
키스 [ki.seu] kiss
주스 [ju.seu] juice
박스 [bak.seu] box
소스 [so.seu] sauce
캠퍼스 [kaem.peo.seu] campus
테니스 [] tennis
플러스 [peul.leo.seu] plus
서비스 [] service
마이너스 [ma.i.neo.seu] minus
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Words of example
수영 [su.yeong] swimming
수건 [su.geon] towel
수업 [su.eop] class
수학 [su.hak] mathmetics
수술 [su.sul] surgery
수박 [su.bak] watermelon
수량 [su.ryang] amount
수영복 [su.yeong.bok] swimsuit
수영장 [su.yeong.jang] swimming pool
수요일 [] Wednesday
Rules of 받침 [bat.chim]
연음 법칙 Korean Linking Sound
A linking sound is a bottom consonant 받침 [bat.chim]
from a block, linking with the beginning sound in the next block. (▼)연음 법칙 Korean Linking Sound |
And "ㅅ" will be pronounced as [s].
Words of example
맛있어요. pronounces as [마시써요] []
손 씻었어요? pronounces as [손 씨서써요] [son. ssi.seo.sseo.yo]
옷을 pronounces as [오슬] [o.seul]
옷이 pronounces as [오시] []
Practice Quiz
Try if you know correct "ㅅ" pronunciation1. 전 한국말 잘 못해요 .
2. 옷이 많아요.
3. 옷 있어요.
4. 어디 살아요?
5. 왜 웃어요?
6. 안 웃겨.
7. 옷이 없어요.
8. BTS 콘서트 티켓 벌써 매진이야.
8. BTS 콘서트 티켓 벌써 매진이야.[ eop.seo.yo]
I don't have clothes.
6. 안 웃겨.
[an ut.ggyeo]
It's not funny.
5. 왜 웃어요?
[wae u.seo.yo]
Why are you laughing?
4. 어디 살아요?
[eo.di sa.ra.yo]
Where do you live?
3. 옷 있어요.
[ot i.sseo.yo]
I have clothes.
When there is space between "옷" and "있" , the "ㅅ" [siot] from "옷" no need to move to the next block.
2. 옷이 많아요.
I have many clothes.
1.전 한국말 잘 못해요 .
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