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2021 Best Korean Drama : Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha | Learn Korean with K-dramas Part 1

Hometown chachacha | Learn Korean

It’s not just new words and grammar that you’ll learn as traditional learning way.

You can easily make watch Korean Dramas an incredible language learning.

Watching Korean dramas can be an effective way to pick up a new language.

The good thing is: it can be a fun way to chill while still immersing yourself in Korean culture and language.

Let’s learn Korean with K-dramas!

Learn more (click here) >> Learn Korean from K-dramas

Must watch Korean Drama: Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha | Korean Learning on YouTube ▼

I recorded Korean drama life sentences & phrases for you to practice listening & speaking skills on my YouTube Korean lesson.

It would be helpful for you to do listen & repeat practice at home.

Learn real life Korean conversation from K-drama, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

Drama Name : 갯마을 차차차 Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

Main Cast: 

신민아 Shin Min-a

김선호 Kim Seon-ho

이상이 Lee Sang-yi

1. 계산해 주세요. 

Check, please.

Drama Script

아니 그냥 계산해 주세요~

No, just check, please.

(= No, just pay for it, please)

Korean Vocabulary

아니 : no

그냥 : just

계산하다 : to pay / to calculate

주다 : to give

Korean Grammar

-아 / 어 / 여 주세요.

You say it when people will be doing that action for you.

(to help you, to cooperate, to benefit you, etc.)

Learn more (click here) >> Learn beginner Daily Korean

2. 여기서 뭐 해?

What are you guys doing here?

Speech Level

Casual : 여기서 뭐 해?

Polite : 여기서 뭐 해요?

Drama Script



안녕~ 얘들아~

Hi~ kids ~

너네 여기서 뭐 해?

What are you guys doing here?

Korean Vocabulary

안녕하세요 is conjugation form of 안녕하다 : Hello

얘들 : kids / children

너희 is basic form of 너네 : you guys

(use it for people who are under your age)

여기 : here

뭐 : what

하다 : to do

Learn more (click here) >> Learn Korean with watching fun cartoons

3. 가지 마~

Don't go~

Speech Level

Casual : 가지 마. 

Polite : 가지 마세요.

Drama Script

가지 마~

Don't go~

너 왜 가?

Why are you leaving?

진짜 가지 마!

Really (Seriously) , don't go!

Korean Vocabulary

가다 : to go / to leave

너 : you

왜 : why

진짜 : really

Korean Grammar

~지 마(요 / 세요) Don’t + verb

to tell someone not to do something

It can be used with "action" verbs.

~지 마(요/세요) Don’t + verb

Example Sentence

(1) 뛰지 마세요.

Please don't run.

(2) 술 많이 마시지 마세요.

Don't drink too much.

(3) 울지 마세요.

Please don't cry.

(4) 하지 마세요.

Please don't do it.

(5) 방해하지 마세요.

Please don't disturb me.

4. 여기서 내려~

Get off here~

Speech Level

Casual : 여기서 내려.

Polite : 여기서 내려요.

Drama Script

여기서 내려~

Get off here~


I'm sorry.

Korean Vocabulary

여기서 = 여기에서 : here, in this place

내리다 : drop someone off

5. 관심 있어?

Are you interested in?

Speech Level

Casual : 관심 있어? 

Polite : 관심 있어요? 

Casual : 어

Polite : 네 

Drama Script

최은철 환자한테 관심 있어?

Are you interested in the patient Choi Eunchul?

(최은철 is the policeman’s name in the drama)



Korean Vocabulary

환자 : patient

한테 : to / from

관심 : interest

있다 : be / exist

있어 is conjugation form of 있다

6. 이거 어디서 났어?

Where did you get this?

( In the drama situation, 혜진 lost one of her shoes, and 홍반장 found it.)

Speech Level 

Casual : 이거 어디서 났어? 

Polite : 이거 어디서 났어요? 

Drama Script


Hong leader~

(They called "Hong Du-sik" 홍반장 , because he usually in charge everything in the village)

이거 어디서 났어?

Where did you get this?

Korean Vocabulary

반장 : leader /class president

이거 : this

어디서 = 어디에서 : where

나다 : to appear / to occur / to come out

Korean Phrase

고장나다 : to break down / to be out of order

핸드폰이 고장나다 : cellphone is out of order

고장나다  out of order | Korean Phrase

7. 점심 뭐 먹을래?

What do you want to eat for lunch?

Speech Level 

Casual : 점심 뭐 먹을래?

Polite : 점심 뭐 먹을래요? 

Drama Script

점심 뭐 먹을래?

What do you want to eat for lunch?

짜장면 먹을래?

Do you want to eat jajangmyeon?

Korean Vocabulary

점심 : lunch

뭐 : what

먹다 : to eat

먹을래 is conjugation form of 먹다

짜장면 : jajangmyeon (Noodle in blackbean sauce)

Korean Grammar

Verb+(으) / ㄹ래요

To express that the speaker has the will or intention to do something

8. 대박!


Drama Script


(to describe something spectacular)


= Awesome!

= Terrific!


What is it?

( 혜진 lost one shoe before, but now the shoe showed up)

9. 앉어.

Sit down.

Speech Level

Casual : 앉어.

Polite : 앉으세요.

Drama Script 


I'll go ~

(when people are leaving, they say "간다")

앉어 = 앉아

Sit down.

Korean Vocabulary

앉다 : to sit

(1) 앉다 : 앉 + 아 = 앉아 (conjugation standard word)

(2) 앉어 (irregular form), many people say it in real life in Korea

가다 : to go

간다 is the conjugation form of 가다

10. 얼마나 좋아!

How nice it is!

Speech Level

Casual : 얼마나 좋아!

Polite : 얼마나 좋아요!

Korean Vocabulary

얼마나 : how

좋다 : good / nice

11. 멀어?

Far away?

Speech Level

Casual : 멀어?

Polite : 멀어요?

Drama Script

다음 볼 상가는 어디야?

Where's the next store are we going to see?


Far away?

Korean Vocabulary

다음 : next

볼 : going to see

상가 : store / shop / shopping mall

( A building with a bunch of stores in it.)

어디 : where

12. 봐봐.

Have a look.

Speech Level

Casual : 봐봐.

Polite : 봐봐요.

Drama Script

봐봐~ 이렇게 ~

Have a look~ Like this~

후루룩~공기를 들이키면서…

Slurping. While inhaling the air...

아이~ 드럽게~ 뭐 하는거야 지금?

Aw~ It's dirty ~ What are you doing right now?

Korean Vocabulary

First 봐 :  look / see 

Second 봐 : means suggestion

후루룩 : slurping sound

공기 : air

들이키다 : drink up / inhale

면서 : while

드럽게(dialect) : dirty

Practice Quiz

Check the pictures and match with correct sentences


1. 여기서 내려요.

2. 점심 뭐 먹을래요?

3. 계산해 주세요.

4. 대박!

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