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Learn beginner daily Korean / Everyday Korean #2

Beginner Daily Korean | Korean Talk

This daily Korean section will help improve your Korean listening & speaking, all sentences here are used in everyday life.

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Daily Korean Sentences & Phrases Learning

1. 기분이 좋아요. [ jo.a.yo]

I feel good.

기분 feeling in Korean | Korean Phrases

Korean Vocabulary

기분이 좋다 : be in a good mood

Korean Phrase

이상한 기분 : strange feeling

기분이 나쁘다 : to be in a bad mood

Example Sentence

(1) 오늘 기분이 어때요?

How do you feel today?

(2) 지금 기분이 어때요?

How are you feeling now?

(3) 오늘 정말 기분이 안 좋아요.

I feel terrible today.

Read more (click here) >> Easy way to learn Korean  

2. 누구세요? []

Who are you?

Korean Vocabulary

누구 : who

Example Sentence

(1) 누구예요?

Who is it?

(2) 누가 했어요?

Who did it?

(3) 어제 누가 왔어요?

Who came yesterday?

Korean Grammar

으세요 / 세요 : Korean honorifics

This grammar is used to speak or requests politely.

It is also used to give suggestions using in a well-mannered way.

When a verb stem has the final consonant, 으세요 is attached. 

으세요 / 세요 | Korean grammar

Example Sentence

(1) 접으세요.

Please fold it.

(2) 잘 들으세요. 

Please listen carefully.

When a verb stem has no final consonant, "세요" is attached. 

Example Sentence

(1) 오세요.

Please come.

(2) 고르세요.

Please choose.

3. 이해해요. [i.hae.hae.yo]

I understand.

Korean Vocabulary

이해하다 : to understand

Example Sentence

(1)  이해해요?

Do you understand?

(2) 그 기분 이해해요.

I understand how you feel.

Learn more (click here) >> Learn Korean with BTS

4. 조심하세요. []

Please be careful.

Korean Vocabulary

조심하다 : to be careful

Example Sentence

(1) 감기 조심하세요.

Please be careful not to catch a cold.

(2) 몸조심하세요.

Please take care of your health.

5. 추워요. [chu.wo.yo]

It’s cold.

Korean Vocabulary

춥다 : cold

Example Sentence

(1) 밖에 날씨 많이 추워요?

Is it really cold outside?

(2) 밖에 엄청 추워.

It's extremely cold outside.

6. 더워요. [deo.wo.yo]

It’s hot.

Korean Vocabulary

덥다 : hot

Example Sentence

(1) 요즘 날씨가 더워요.

It's hot these days.

(2) 더워 죽겠어요.

I'm dying from the heat.

Korean Grammar

~어 / 아(서) 죽겠다.

Literally meaning " it's so ~that I could die"

It indicates that the state of affair described is unbearable

7. 공유해요. [gong.yu.hae.yo]

Let’s share.

공유 share in Korean | Korean Phrase

Korean Vocabulary

공유하다 : to share

Korean Phrase

정보를 공유하다 : share information

동영상을 공유하다 : to share a video

Example Sentence

정보 공유해요.

Let's share information.

8. 잠깐만요. []


Korean Vocabulary

잠깐 : moment

Korean Phrase

잠깐 휴식하다 : take a short break

Example Sentence

(1) 잠깐 쉴까요?

Shall we take a break for a while?

(2) 잠깐 산책하러 갈까요?

Shall we go for a walk for a moment?

9.매워요. [mae.wo.yo]

It’s spicy.

Korean Vocabulary

맵다 : spicy

Example Sentence

(1) 매워요?

Is it spicy?

(2) 안 매워요.

It's not spicy.

Learn more (click here) >> Learn Korean with fun dramas

10. 냄새 좋은데요. [naem.sae]

It smells good.

냄새 smell in Korean | Korean Phrase

Korean Vocabulary

냄새 : smell

좋다 : good

Korean Phrase

좋은 냄새 : good smell

독특한 냄새 : unique smell

이상한 냄새 : weird smell

Example Sentence

(1) 이거 무슨 냄새예요?

 What is this smell?

(2) 바다 냄새가 너무 좋아요.

 I really like the smell of the sea.

11. 아름다워요. [a.reum.da.wo.yo]

It’s beautiful.

Korean Vocabulary

아름답다 : beautiful

Example Sentence

여긴 너무 아름다워요.

It's so beautiful here.

12. 귀여워요. [gwi.yeo.wo.yo]

It’s cute.

Korean Vocabulary

귀엽다 : cute

Example Sentence

강아지가 귀엽다.

The puppy is cute.

13. 하나만 골라요. []

Just choose one.

Korean Vocabulary

하나 : one

만 : only / just

고르다 : to choose / to pick

Example Sentence

(1) 그건 고르지 마세요.

Please don't pick that one.

(2) 지금 고르고 있어요.

I am choosing right now.

14. 반갑습니다. [] 

It’s nice to meet you.

Also same as "만나서 반갑습니다."

Korean Vocabulary

반갑다 : to be glad to meet

15. 왜요? [wae.yo]


Example Sentence

갑자기 왜요?

Why suddenly?

Korean phrase learning | Korean Talk

16. 배고파요. []

I’m hungry.

Korean Vocabulary

배고프다 : hungry

Example Sentence

(1) 배고파요?

Are you hungry?

(2) 너무 배고파요.

I'm very hungry.

17. 배불러요. [bae.bul.leo.yo]

I’m full. 

Korean Vocabulary

배부르다 : full

Example Sentence

(1) 배불러요?

Are you full?

(2) 지금 너무 배불러요.

I'm too full right now.

18. 정말이에요? []


정말이에요. meaning. | Korean Phrase

정말이에요. can be also mean:

(1) I mean it.

(2) I am serious. ( I'm not joking.)

(3) It's true.

19. 모르겠어요. []

I don’t know.

Korean Vocabulary

모르다 : not know

Example Sentence

(1) 저는 모르겠어요.

I have no idea.

(2) 어디에 있는지 모르겠어요.

I don't know where it is.

20. 너무 비싸요. [ bi.ssa.yo]

It’s too expensive.

Korean Vocabulary

너무 : too

비싸다 : expensive

Example Sentence

(1) 왜 이렇게 비싸요?

Why it is so expensive?

(2) 이 셔츠는 너무 비싸다.

This shirt is too expensive.

Practice Quiz

Write the below sentences in Korean

1. Is it spicy?

2. It’s cute.

3. Let’s share.

4. How do you feel today?

5. Who are you?

6. Do you understand?

7. Please choose.

8. Wait.

9. I don't know.

10. Why?

11. It’s too expensive.

12. It's hot.

13. Are you hungry?

14. It’s nice to meet you.

15. Please be careful.

Learn Korean Blog | Korean Talk


1. 매워요?

2. 귀여워요. 

3. 공유해요.

4. 오늘 기분이 어때요?

5. 누구세요?

6. 이해해요?

7. 고르세요.

8. 잠깐만요.

9. 모르겠어요.

10. 왜요?

11. 너무 비싸요. 

12. 더워요.

13. 배고파요?

14. 반갑습니다.

15. 조심하세요.

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