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2021 Best Korean Drama : Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha | Learn Korean with K-dramas Part 2

Hometown chachacha | Best Korean Drama

You can easily make watch Korean Dramas an incredible language learning.

Watching Korean dramas can be an effective way to pick up a new language. 

And it’s not just new words and grammar that you’ll learn as traditional learning way.

The good thing is : it can be a fun way to chill while still immersing yourself in Korean culture and language.

Let’s learn Korean with K-dramas!

If you haven’t learn Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha Part 1 yet, (click here) to learn it.

Must watch Korean Drama : Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha  | Korean Learning on YouTube

I recorded Korean drama life sentences & phrases for you to practice listening & speaking skills on my YouTube Korean lesson.

It would be helpful for you to do listen & repeat practice at home.

Learn real life Korean conversation from K-drama, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

Drama Name : 갯마을 차차차 Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

Main Cast: 

신민아 Shin Min-a

김선호 Kim Seon-ho

이상이 Lee Sang-yi

Read more (click here) >> Interesting Korean culture & language

13. 나 먼저 간다.

I will go first.

Speech Level

Casual : 나 먼저 간다.

Polite : 저 먼저 가요.

Drama Script

나 먼저 간다.

I will go first.
= I will leave first.

같이 가~

Go together~

I'm coming with you.



Korean Vocabulary

나 : I

먼저 : first / earlier

가다 : to go 

같이 : together / with

Learn more (click here) >> Learn Korean with best Korean dramas

14. 뭐야!

What's going on!


It's just like "murmur" in the drama situation.

Depending on situation "뭐야" can have different meanings

뭐야 meanings | Korean phrase

1. What is it?

2. What's that?

3. What's going on!

Learn more (click here) >> Quick way to learn Korean

15. 해봐.

Try it.

Speech Level

Casual : 해봐.

Polite : 해봐요.

Drama Script

이렇게 하는 거지..

You can do like this..


Try it.
= Do it.

Korean Vocabulary

이렇게 : like this

하다 : to do

Korean Grammar

~지 :

As with the sentences without a question word, 

by adding ~지 gives the sentence the subtle difference 

that the speaker is reconfirming his/her beliefs

16. 오해하잖아!

They may misunderstand!

Speech Level 

Casual : 오해하잖아!

Polite : 오해하잖아요!

Drama Script

애냐? 입에 묻히고 먹게..

Are you a kid? You make stains around your mouth..

사람들이 더 오해하잖아!

People may misunderstand more!

Korean Vocabulary

애 : child / kid

입에 : around your mouth

묻히다 (writing way) : make stains

[무치다] pronunciation

먹다 : to eat

사람들 : people

더 : more

오해하다 : misunderstand

Example Sentence

묻히다 meaning  | Korean Talk

옷에 페인트를 묻히다.

I put paint on my clothes.

17. 기분 나빠.

I feel bad.

Speech Level

Casual : 기분 나빠.

Polite : 기분 나빠요.

Drama Script

나 기분 나빠~

I feel bad~
= I am angry
= I feel crappy

굉장히 불쾌해!

It's very unpleasant.

Korean Vocabulary

나 : I

기분 : mood / feelings

나쁘다 : to be bad 

굉장히 : very / extremely

불쾌하다 : to be unpleasant / to be nasty

Korean Phrase

불쾌한 표정 | Korean teaching blog

불쾌한 표정 : unpleasant look

불쾌한 느낌 : unpleasant feeling

불쾌한 소리 : unpleasant sound

18. 뭐래?

What did you say?

Speech Level 

Casual : 뭐래?

Polite : 뭐래요?

Drama Script

홍반장은 뭐래?

What did Hong Ban Jang say?


I don't know~


= What did he say?

= What did she say?

Korean Vocabulary

반장 : leader / class president

19. 왜 저래?

What's wrong with you?

Drama Script

진짜 이상해~ 왜 저래?

Really weird~ what's wrong with you?

Depending on the situation, the phrases can have different meanings.

왜 저래?  meaning | Korean Talk

🌳왜 그래? 
Why are you doing like that?

🌳왜 이래?
Why are you doing like this?

🌳왜 저래? 
What's wrong with you?
= Why are you doing like that?

The above phrases indicate a state, as when someone looks to be in an unusual condition, or behaves something weird.

Korean Vocabulary

저래 = 저렇다 : to be like that (over there)

20. 나 먼저 들어가!

I am going home first.

Speech Level

Casual : 나 먼저 들어가!

Polite : 저 먼저 들어가요!

About "먼저 들어가"

In Korean, "go home" is often expressed as "집에 들어가다"

"먼저 들어가" it has shorten meaning of "먼저 집에 들어가"

Drama Script

나 먼저 간다.

I will go first.
=I will leave first.

같이 가~

Go together~
= I'm coming with you~



Korean Vocabulary

형 : brother (male calls to male)

나 : I

먼저 : first

들어가다 : enter / go into

수고하다 : to make an effort

21. 오랜만이다.

Long time no see.

Speech Level

Casual : 오랜만이다.

Polite : 오랜만이에요.

Drama Script

성현 선배!

Senior Seonghyun!

오랜만이다. 윤혜진.

Long time no see. Yoonhyejin.

Korean Vocabulary

선배 : senior

오랜만 : being after a long time

22. 아는 사이야?

Do you guys know each other?

Speech Level

Casual : 아는 사이야?

Polite : 아는 사이에요?

Drama Script 

선배랑 홍반장이랑

Senior and Hongbanjang

아는 사이야?

Do you guys know each other?

Korean Vocabulary

선배 : senior

랑/이랑 : and / with (casual)

알다 : to know

사이 : relationship / between

Korean Phrase

사이 meaning | Learn Beginner Korean

친구 사이 : relationship between friends

연인 사이 : relationship between couple

친한 사이 : close relationship

사이가 좋다 : to have a good relationship / to get along well|

사이가 안 좋다 : to have bad relationship / to not get along well

23. 만나는 사람 있어?

Are you seeing someone?

Speech Level

Casual : 만나는 사람 있어?

Polite : 만나는 사람 있어요?

Drama Script

혜진이~ 만나는 사람 있어?

Is Hyejin seeing someone?

Korean Vocabulary

만나다 : to meet

사람 : person

24. 많이 드세요.

Help yourself.

Drama Script

많이 드세요

Help yourself.
= Have as much as you want.
= Feel free to eat whatever you want.
= Eat well. / Eat a lot.

자~ 드세요~ 드세요~

Here, try this~ try this~

Korean Vocabulary

많이 : much / in large amounts

드세요 is honorific speech

25. 보고 싶었어.

I missed you.

Speech Level

Casual : 보고 싶었어.

Polite : 보고 싶었어요.

Drama Script

나 형이 너무 많이 보고 싶었어~

I really missed brother so much~

Korean Vocabulary

나 : I

형 : brother (male calls to male)

너무 : so

많이 : much

보고 싶다 : to miss you

Korean Grammar

Korean Past Tense

Verb+았어 / 었어 (casual)

Verb + 었어요 / 았어요 (polite)

Practice Quiz

Check the pictures and match with correct sentences

Korean quiz | Korean Talk

Learn Korean with Korean Talk


5. 오랜만이에요. 

6. 왜 저래? 

7. 많이 드세요.

8. 만나는 사람 있어요?

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