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2021 Best Korean Drama : Our Beloved Summer| Learn Korean with K-dramas Part 1

Korean drama | Our beloved summer

You can easily make watch Korean Dramas an incredible language learning.

Watching Korean dramas can be an effective way to pick up a new language. 

And it’s not just new words and grammar that you’ll learn as traditional learning way.

The good thing is : it can be a fun way to chill while still immersing yourself in Korean culture and language.

Let’s learn Korean with K-dramas!

Must watch Korean Drama : Our Beloved Summer | Korean Learning on YouTube

I recorded Korean drama life sentences & phrases for you to practice listening & speaking skills on my YouTube Korean lesson.

It would be helpful for you to do listen & repeat practice at home.

Learn real life Korean conversation from K-drama, Our Beloved Summer

Drama Name :  그 해 우리는 Our Beloved Summer

Main Cast

최우식 Choi Woo-shik

김다미 Kim Da-mi

김성철 Kim Sung-cheol

노정의 Roh Jeong-eui

1. 제 이름은 최웅이에요. [ je i.reu.meun choi.woong.i.e.yo ]

My name is Choi Woong.

Drama Script



제 이름은 최웅이에요.

My name is Choi Woong.

Korean Vocabulary

제 이름 : my name

Korean Grammar

은 : topic marking particles

Noun + 이에요 = ( is / am are )

To give statements

Read more >> Learn how to make sentences by using 은 / 는 / 이에요  / 예요 in a polite / formal way.

2. 일어나. []

Speech Level

Casual : 일어나.

Polite: 일어나요.

Drama Script

야~ 뭐 하는 거야?

Hey~ What are you doing?

일어나~ 운동 갈 시간이야.

Get up~ It's time to go work out.

Korean Vocabulary

뭐 : what

하다 : to do

일어나다 : to get up / to stand up / to wake up

운동 : exercise / work out

Korean Grammar

는 거야 : It is used to indicate present tense

거야 : (casual)

(Verb) + 시간이다

To express that " it's time to do something.."

Korean grammar | It's time to do something..

Example Sentence

(1) 운동할 시간이야.

It's time to exercise.

(2) 숙제할 시간이야. TV 끄자.

It’s time to do your homework. Turn the TV off.

3. 진짜 까먹었어. [jin.jja]

Speech Level

Casual : 진짜 까먹었어.

Polite : 진짜 까먹었어요.

Drama Script

진짜 까먹었어. [jin.jja]

I really forgot.

지랄 났다. 진짜~

You are really freaking out of control ~

지랄 났다. (an offensive expression to use when you see someone acting like they are crazy)

Korean Vocabulary

진짜 : really

까먹다 : to forget

지랄하다 : to act in a libertine way / to go crazy

Learn more >> Learn beginner daily Korean / Everyday Korean

4. 혼술도 종종 하세요? [ jong.jong]

Do you also drink alone often?

Drama Script

원래 이렇게 혼술도 종종 하세요?

Originally, do you also drink alone like this often?

Korean Vocabulary

원래 : originally

이렇게 : like this

혼술 : drink alone

도 : also

종종 : often

하세요 : do (imperative)

Extend Vocabulary

Korean words | Korean new words

혼술 : drink alone

혼밥 : eat alone

혼놀 : play alone (enjoy doing things alone)

혼행 : travel alone

5. 입을 게 없어. [i.beul gge eop.seo]

There's nothing to wear.

Speech Level

Casual : 입을 게 없어.

Polite : 입을 게 없어요.

Korean  Vocabulary

입다 : to wear / to put on

Korean Grammar

ㄹ/을 게 없다 : there's no nothing to...

Example Sentence

(1) 할 게 없어요.

There's nothing to do.

(2) 먹을 게 없어요.

There's nothing to eat.

6. 다 들으셨나요? [da]

Did you hear everything?

Drama Script

다 들으셨나요?

Did you hear everything?



Korean Vocabulary

다 : all / everything

듣다 : to hear

Korean Grammar

으셨어요 / 셨어요 : honorific past tense

Verb stem ends in consonant + 으셨어요

Verb stem ends in vowel + 셨어요

으셨어요 / 셨어요 : honorific past tense

Example Sentence

(1) 어머니께서 편지를 받으셨어요. 

My mother got a letter.

(2) 할머니께서 집에 오셨어요.   

My grandmother came home.

Verb + 나요 :

It's used to politely and gently asking somebody a question

Korean Grammar | Verb + 나요

Example Sentence

(1) 김밥 좋아하나요?

Do you like kimbap?

(2) 운동하나요?

Do you work out?

7. 잘 가라. [jal ga.ra]


Speech Level

Casual : 잘 가라.

Polite : 잘 가요.

Drama Script



잘 가라.


Korean Vocabulary

잘 : well

가다 : to go

Korean Grammar

Verb + 아 / 어 / 여 + 라

This is used to issue commands 

* can be used to close friends, people who you know well and younger than you

( be aware of that it can be rude)

8. 며칠째야? [myeo.chil.jjae.ya]

How long has it been?

Speech Level

Casual : 며칠째야?

Polite : 며칠째예요?

Drama Script

너 또 집(에) 안 갔냐?

You didn't go home again?

냄새 나요?

Do you smell something?


How long has it been?

(lit. he asked to her "how many days did you stay in the company?)

아직 4일째인데..

It's still the 4th days...

Korean Vocabulary

안 갔다 : didn't go

냄새 나다 : to smell

며칠째 : for the past few days

아직 : still

일 : day

Korean Grammar

안 is short form of 아니

야 / 냐 : casual speech ending

Example Sentence

(1) 아니, 안 할 거야.

No, I'm not going to do it.

(2) 뭐가 문제야?

What's the problem?

(a certain period time) + 째 = for a certain period of time

째 is used to describe someone does something continuously for a certain period of time

Noun + 인데 : Telling background information or situation

9. 다신 안 봐. [da.sin an bwa]

I won't see you again.

Speech Level

Casual :  다신 안 봐.

Polite :  다신 안 봐요.

Drama Script

안 봐.

I won't see you.



다신 안 봐.

I won't see you again.

Korean Vocabulary

안 : not

보다 : to see

다신 is short form of 다시 + 는

다시 : again

10. 몰라. []

I don't know.

Speech Level

Casual : 몰라.

Polite : 몰라요.

Drama Script


I don't know~

Korean Vocabulary

모르다 : not know

Example Sentence

저도 이 동네는 잘 몰라요.

I don't know this neighborhood that well, either.

11. 아니, 안 할 거야. [ an hal ggeo.ya]

No, I'm not going to do it.

Speech Level

Casual : 아니, 안 할 거야.

Polite : 아니요, 안 할 거예요.

Drama Script

선배~ 그거 하시게요?

Sunbae, are you going to do that?

아니, 안 할 거야.

No, I'm not going to do it.

Korean Vocabulary

선배 : way to call senior

그거 : that

하다 : to do

아니 : no

안 : not

Korean Grammar

ㄹ 거예요 / ㄹ 거야 : future tense

ㄹ 거예요 / ㄹ 거야 : future tense

Example Sentence

(1) 지금 갈 거예요.

I'm going to go (there) now.

(2) 어디에서 만날 거예요?

Where are you going to meet?

시게요 : honorific adversative used as a familiar question or suggestion

12. 형은 어디로 가? [hyeong.eun ga]

Where are you going brother?

Speech Level

Casual : 형은 어디로 가?

Polite : 형은 어디로 가요?

Drama Script

근데 형은 어디로 가?

By the way, where are you going brother?

Korean Vocabulary

근데 : by the way

형 : older brother (male calls to male)

어디로 : to where

가다 : to go

13. 끝났어. []


Speech Level

Casual : 끝났어.

Polite : 끝났어요.

Korean Vocabulary

끝나다 : finish / end

Example Sentence

언제 끝났어요?

When did it finish?

14. 갈게. [gal.gge]

I will go.

Speech Level

Casual : 갈게.

Polite : 갈게요.

Drama Script

갈게 그럼.

I will go then.

Korean Vocabulary

가다 : to go

그럼 : then

15. 뭐 하고 있었어? [mwo ha.go i.sseo.sseo]

What were you doing?

Speech Level

Casual : 뭐 하고 있었어?

Polite : 뭐 하고 있었어요?

Drama Script

뭐 하고 있었어?

What were you doing?

그냥~ 산책.

I was just taking a walk.

Korean Vocabulary

뭐 : what

하다 : to do

그냥 : just

산책하다 (v): take a walk

산책(n.): a walk

Korean Grammar

~(하)고 있었어(요) past progressive form

~(하)고 있었어(요) past progressive form

Example Sentence 

저는 백화점에서 쇼핑하고 있었어요.

I was shopping at the department store.

16. 잘 지냈어. [jal ji.nae.sseo.]

I have been doing well.

Speech Level

Casual : 잘 지냈어.

Polite : 잘 지냈어요.

17. 갈 데가 없네. [gal]

I have nowhere to go.

Speech Level

Casual : 갈 데가 없네.

Polite : 갈 데가 없어요.

Drama Script

진짜 갈 데가 없네~

I really have nowhere to go.

Korean Vocabulary

진짜 : really

가다 : to go

없다 : to no have

데 : a bound noun meaning a place or location

Korean Grammar

~네(요) : to express surprise to the information he / she just received

Example Sentence

이 음식점은 음식이 정말 맛있네요.

Wow, the food at this restaurant is really delicious.

18. 뭐 먹고 싶어? [mwo meok.ggo si.peo]

What do you want to eat?

Speech Level

Casual : 뭐 먹고 싶어?

Polite : 뭐 먹고 싶어요?

Drama Script

뭐 먹고 싶어?

What do you want to eat?

Korean Vocabulary

뭐: what

먹다 : to eat

Korean Grammar

Verb-고 싶다 : is used when you express the desire

Example Sentence

(1) 주말에 어디에 가고 싶어요? 

Where do you want to go this weekend?

(2) 저는 제주도에 가고 싶어요. 

I want to go Jeju Island.

19. 우리 친구 할까? [u.ri hal.kka]

Shall we be friends?

Speech Level

Casual : 우리 친구 할까?

Polite : 우리 친구 할까요?

Korean Vocabulary

우리 : we

친구 : friend

Korean Grammar

~ㄹ/을까 being used to ask a question to a listener

.Shall we

.Shall I…

Example Sentence

(1) 지금 갈까요? 

Shall we go now?

(2) 지금 주문할까? 

Shall we order now?

Practice Quiz

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Learn Korean with Korean Talk


1. 몰라. I don't know.

2. 끝났어. Finished

3. 뭐 먹고 싶어? What do you want to eat?

4. 진짜 까먹었어. I really forgot.

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